Saturday, August 22, 2009

HIV Positive

Just try to's impossible to even get near the feeling, that's y i said TRY...

Imagine u were born without parents, u were found by the roadside, and some NGOs picked u up and placed u in an orphanage, where u meet all your friends, picked up from all over too. u were too young to understand, so they kept a secret from u. A secret which will change your life completely. A secret which contains so much of questions but not a single answer. u may ask y for a million times, look beyond the stars and wonder y, wish upon a shooting star and never find the answer y u were born with HIV positive...u may cry and sigh but it doesn't better your condition...u wonder what went wrong that u deserved this...u wonder y God gave u this in your little innocent body....

Just now i met with a bunch of kids, whose feeling u can't even comprehend, not even near. I got a chance to sing with them and for them. Those wearing a dark blue T-shirt with light blue collars, and with a party hat are my new little friends. My heart was really broken to see them the way they were. But they can still smile at u, sing with u, clap with u, do actions together...deep inside i really really hope and pray that they can hv d same smile when they know about the truth. I really prayed that God will give them strength, not ordinary strength but something beyond that. So many a times v prayed for strength to face trails in life, but it's nothing compared to what they need. So from now on, every time i pray, I'll think of them. Just like d boy who gave His lunch for Jesus to multiple, when i think of this boy, i know that nothing is too small for God to use. When i think of those kids back there, i know that God will definitely strengthen me because if He can give them such strength they need, what more me...

There no one out there who loves them more than God the Father himself, who gives all things and takes away as His Will. He can take away all your pain with just a word, He could calm the storm in you, He could give u all the answers u want but in the end u just have to submit to Him.

Actually this Gospel night is inconjuction with the Birthday of a miracle baby. A Christian couple, who were both HIV+, gave birth to a baby who is HIV-. It's a pure miracle. Those who are good in Science and genetics will know that, this is 1 in a million, if not quadrillion...This is a strong sign that God still does miracles today and He hears our cries and woes...

Patience and strength are not given, they are earned, through this life which HE has given us, and is looking down from above, seeing how well we use this life in exchanged with the riches in Heaven.

God has sent me here to India for a purpose in which i am yet to find out. It's definitely not only just to get my MBBS degree, that's too simple for me and HIM. There must b more than this. My degree is just a side mission for me to complete my utmost goal. u may ask me what is more important than being a famous doctor who earns millions?

Then let me ask u, is your life just about these things v pursue everyday? They won't even last. Is there nothing beyond that? The same God who created this universe and everything in it, is out there. U can just see it from all the things around u, all of it can't just b pure coincident right? V r too innocent to believe in coincidence!

I know I am serve the same God today and I'm so proud to say that. He has truly placed a burden in my heart for those HIV+ kids. I promise i will do what ever i can to make a difference in their lives or at least something meaningful, which is beyond any riches and fame.

Focus on the smiles on their faces and u will never find a reason not to smile again...
And as for u who is this, do say a simple prayer for them. U will never know how powerful is a simple shout to God until v get to heaven, when all those whom u prayed for come and thank u for it...

"Jesus Loves the little children, all the children in the world, red and yellow black and white, they are precious in His sight, JESUS LOVES THE LITTLE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD..." It's one of my favorite Sunday School song...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

RunAway Child

RunAway Child

The cross on Calvary

Is what the sets me free

He died for you and me

And suffered on the tree

“Take up the cross and follow me”

I hear my Savior call

How can I give my second best

When Jesus gave His all for us

Jesus, how great is Your love

You are the Savior of this world

Even You are King of Kings

You came to die for all our sins

And gave us hope for eternity

I Love You

Jesus, my Lord

I just want to be right in Your arms

But, sometimes I do run away

And even go against your way

Still You will turn to me and say

“Come back my sweet child”

I wrote this song because many a times,

I feel that I chose to runaway from God.

I want to go my way instead of His.

I often make mistakes that brakes His heart.

When challenges come I may fail,

when temptations come I may fall,

when trails come i may faint,

but I know my Lord is faithful,

He never fails, He never will.

He is always waiting with open arms,

for me to run back to Him,

into his everlasting arms with endless love,

and there's no where i rather be

than in the saving arms of His.

"The eternal God is your refuge,

and underneath are the everlasting arms."

Deut. 33:27

How can we give our second best to the King who gave us His ALL?

This is what we often give...

Our left over time after a busy schedule,

our left over strength after a tiring day,

our left over "brain-juice" after much studying,

our left over money after a sumptuous buffet,


He gave us ALL His blood for us on that cruel cross,

He bore ALL the pain when His hands and feet were pierced,

He endured ALL the whips and beatings before Calvary,

He sacrificed His ALL for us who are sinners..

He is JESUS,

"But God demonstrated His own Love for us in this:

While we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us."

Rom. 5 :8

There's none like JESUS,

You may search for eternity long,

and find there is none like Him...

The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords,

and most of all, the BOSS of my life!!