Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My respond Letter

This will be my reply letter,
and it goes to 
everyone out there.

A letter from ANDREWLOW, the man,
under JESUS, my boss.

It goes like this...

"I feel real bad,
I wish I had,
Told my friends that,
A Savior is out there,
Whom their soul really care.

I can’t change his mind,
Let him wait for God’s sign,
Till then I’ll pray each night,
That he will be in time.

I’ll stand up for CHRIST,
For HE has given me life,
I’ll tell the world,
That only by HIS light,
They can overcome the night,
And be saved from eternal fright,
In hell’s sight.
The only key is eternal life,
Which is free,

This is a manual for a beginner,
Just admit you are a sinner,
It’s now or never.
Believe Jesus is your Savior,
For the time is near.
In HIM there’s no fear,
Take the first step here,
And you can be so sure,
That heaven is just so near.
For you are, to HIM so dear.

Now you can’t say,
No one told you the Way,
While you were still far astray,
Jesus came and made a way,
And for your sins HE died and paid,
All you have to do,
Is be on heaven’s highway,
With JESUS all the way."

written by,

Don't bother me ???

A letter from HELL
click this link to watch this short clip which will blow your mind.

The ending of the video says this,

"Don’t bother me
With souls to save
I have my own agenda
There’s school to do,
Sports to play,
Important stuff to attend to.

Don’t bother me
With my friend at work,
He’s got his own religion
I don’t have time
To change his mind
He’ll make his own decision

Don’t bother me
With that little girl,
The girl playing in the street
She’s much too young
To understand
That the Savior she could meet.

Don’t bother me
With the sounds I hear
The sounds of people shrieking
Although I wonder who they are
Who are these victims

Don’t bother me
With who they are
I really don’t want the blame

Cause it’s my friend at work
And that little girl
Who from Hell,
Scream out my name.

(But) Don’t bother me."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A letter from beyond

A letter from HELL.

This video really freaks the HELL out of me.
As I scroll down my entire Facebook friends’ list ,
I saw so many friends.
So many letters I could get from hell one day.
It’s my greatest nightmare.

I realize I really gotta start doing
something before the time is up.
It’s so true when so many times
when I got a chance to talk about Jesus.
I laughed it off.
I changed the topic.
I was afraid it might hurt people’s feeling.
I was afraid that they will be offended.
Now I feel really bad.
Really sad.

The best to you could ever do for a friend
is to tell him or her about Jesus.
In fact it’s the greatest favor
you could ever do for them.
I don’t want to hear them shouting out
my name when it’s too late.
I don’t want to regret when they are gone.

Our part is just to tell the good news.
The rest is God’s part to finish.
We can’t change their heart or touch their lives,
only God can.
God has placed so many friends in my path.
As I look back I wonder how many
friends I have betrayed.
Betrayed by not tell them about Jesus.
So many souls I could have saved
from hell to burn.
But I failed.
Just so many.
I wish I could make it up to them.
I wish.

I’m all fired up now.
The passion is burning inside.
This is my now.
This is my time.
For such a time like this.
I’m not gonna waste it.
I’m not gonna let them burn.